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Saskia Belinda Salsabila
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Saskia Belinda Salsabila
Bisa disebut kelas STM karena mayoritas penghuni nya itu cowo dan sangat ribut kalo kelasnya lagi gaada guru. Anak-anak nya random, mereka punya ciri khas tersendiri yg pastinya kalian juga tau HAHA!=D Kalo habis olahraga, anak cowo nya ganti bajunya lama geulaa. Mungkin mereka dandan dulu kaliyaa(?) Sekian informasi dr gue tntg 9D, see you later!;-)
Follow nih twitternya @kelas9D |
Sebelum gue exit, ini ada beberapa foto pas anak cewenya lagi pake jersey kelas. Sayangnya gue gapunya foto anak cowonya-_-
Biography of Taylor Swift
Her name is
Taylor Alison Swift. She also known as Taylor Swift. She was born on December
13, 1989. She is tall and quite slim. She has natural gorgeous curly blonde
hair and charming blue eyes. Her skin is natural. She is a beautiful American
female singer, female songwriter, actress, music star, female model, female
dancer, Hollywood star, and women celebrity. She usually wears dress. She likes
white colour and she like number 13. She has a cat, her cat name is Meredith,
how lucky Meredith is. Her assets are: beautiful
barbie face, trademark gorgeous curly blonde hair, singing, lovely voice, and
blue eyes. Her hobbies are singing, song writing, MySpacing, watching History
Channel, film acting, photography acting, and modeling. Her instruments are
vocals, guitar, piano, and ukulele. Her genres is country and pop, and her
labels is Big Machine.
Taylor Swift as the first child and only daughter of Andrea, a homemaker, and Scott Swift, a stockbroker. Taylor Swift has a younger brother, Austin. When Taylor Swift was in fourth grade, she won a national poetry contest with a three-page poem entitled “Monster In My Closet”. Taylor Swift on the age of 10 began writing songs and singing them at karaoke contests, festivals, and fairs around her hometown. When Taylor Swift was 12 years old, she devoted an entire summer to writing a 350-page novel, which remains unpublished. Taylor Swift’s first major show was a well-received performance at the Bloomsburg Fair. Taylor Swift on 2008 earned her high school diploma through homeschooling at the age of 18.
In her songwriting interest, Taylor Swift began
learning to play guitar from a computer repairman who showed her how to play
three chords. After learning those three chords, Taylor Swift wrote her first
song, “Lucky You”. Taylor Swift began writing songs regularly and used it as an
outlet to help her with her pain from not fitting in at school. Other kids
would react badly to her so she wrote songs about them.
In her early work, Taylor Swift’s greatest musical
influence is Shania Twain. Taylor Swift’s other influences include LeAnn Rimes,
Tina Turner, Dolly Parton, and Taylor Swift’s grandmother. Although her
grandmother was a professional opera singer, Taylor Swift’s tastes always
leaned more toward country music. In her younger years, Taylor Swift developed
a love for Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton.
Taylor Swift on age 11 made her first trip to
Nashville, hoping to obtain a record deal by distributing a demo tape of her
singing with karaoke songs. Taylor Swift gave a copy to every label in town,
but was rejected. After Taylor Swift returned to Pennsylvania, she was asked to
sing at the United State (U.S.). Open tennis tournament, where Taylor Swift’s
rendition of the national anthem received much attention. Taylor Swift started
writing songs and playing 12-string guitar when she was 12. Taylor Swift began
to regularly visit Nashville and wrote songs with local songwriters. By the
time Taylor Swift was 14, her family decided to move to an outlying Nashville
When Taylor Swift was 15, Taylor Swift rejected RCA
Records because the company wanted to keep her on an artist development deal.
After performing at Nashville’s songwriters’ venue, The Bluebird CafĂ©, Taylor
Swift caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, who signed her to his newly
formed record label, Big Machine Records. Taylor Swift on age 14 became the
youngest staff songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV Tree publishing house.
In her music career, Taylor Swift on 2006 released her
debut single “Tim McGraw”, then her self-titled debut album, which was
subsequently certified multi-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of
America. Taylor Swift on November 2008 released her second album, Fearless.
Fearless and Taylor Swift finished 2008 at number-three and number-six
respectively, with sales of 2.1 and 1.5 million. Fearless has topped the
Billboard 200 in 11 non-consecutive weeks; no album has spent more time at No.
1 since 2000. Taylor Swift was named Artist of the Year by Billboard Magazine
on 2009. Fearless won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year on 2010.
On 2008, Taylor Swift’s albums sold a combined four
million copies, making her the best-selling musician of the year in the United
States (U.S.), according to Nielsen SoundScan. Forbes ranked Swift 2009′s
69th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $18 million. On January 2010
Nielsen SoundScan lists Taylor Swift as the top-selling digital artist in music
history with over 24.3 million digital tracks sold. To date, Taylor Swift has
sold over 10 million albums worldwide.
Pidato "Bahaya Merokok"
Hai! gue bingung mau milih pidato yang mana buat uprak, habisnya kebanyakan di internet tuh singkat semua. Dan berhubung tema pidato nya bebas, so gue jadi milih pidato ini. Sebenernya ga masuk kriteria waktu sih, hbsnya pas gue baca dan gue stopwatch hasilnya cuma 3 menit-_-v tapi ya gapapa deh siapa tau gue ada yglupa, jd bisa memperlambat waktu xixixi. So, let's enjoy it!
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Yang saya hormati Bapak
Kepala SMP 1 Kota Serang, bapak/ibu guru, dan teman-teman sekalian yang saya
Pada kesempatan kali ini
saya akan mengucapkan terima kasih karena telah diberi kesempatan untuk
menyampaikan pidato sederhana yang
berjudul Bahaya Merokok yang semoga
bermanfaat untuk diri saya pribadi khususnya dan pendengar pada umumnya.
Pertama-pertama marilah
kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena dengan segala nikmatnya
kita dapat berkumpul di sini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat.
Bapak-ibu dan teman-teman
yang saya hormati,
Setiap orang pasti
menginginkan hidup sehat. Bahkan seorang perokok berat pun bila ditanya juga
memilih hidup sehat. Kali ini saya akan menyampaikan bahaya merokok bagi
kesehatan. Perlu kita ketahui, sebenarnya rasa tidak enak ataupun rasa stress
yang dirasakan seorang perokok adalah efek dari adiksi atau kecanduan. Hanya 8
detik setelah hisapan pertama para perokok akan segera mendapatkan rasa rileks,
yang sebenarnya merupakan pemenuhan tuntutan nikotin pada syarat-syaraf
otaknya. Ketika syaraf-syaraf tersebut menagih nikotin yang selalu disuplai lewat
kebisaan merokok, mereka akan tertekan
dan tidak dapat memusatkan pikirannya.
Adanya zat adiktif pada
rokok akan membuat perokok menginginkan rokok untuk kedua kalinya. Zat adiktif
inilah yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi,
serta gangguan kehamilan dan janin.
Selain menyebabkan berbagai
penyakit, merokok dapat menjadikan seorang miskin. Uang yang seharusnya
digunakan untuk hal–hal yang bermanfaat malah dibakar begitu saja. Itu
merupakan contoh kemubaziran. Sebagai seorang muslim, kita harus menghindari
rokok, karena rokok dapat merugikan kita dunia akhirat. Sebaiknya, uang yang
kita miliki digunakan untuk hal-hal yang bermanfaat, misalnya membeli buku,
bersedekah, dan sebagainya.
Bapak/ibu dan teman-teman
yang saya hormati. Demikianlah pidato yang bisa saya sampaikan dan mudah-mudahan kita selalu dituntun
olehNya melakukan perbuatan terpuji dan berakhlak mulia. Amin.
Kurang lebihnya saya mohon
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The Scientist
Hai ketemu lagi sama gue, kali ini gue mau ngasih lagu buat kalian kalian yang abis putus cinta *tsahhh*kibas rambut* judulnya the scientist yg dinyanyiin sm coldplay. Tapi gue lebih suka kalo glee yg nyanyi. Let's check it out guys!
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
And tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
I know lets go back to the start
Running in circles, chaseing our tails
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
Oh It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
So tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
Oh take me back to the start
Ooooohhhhhhh [x4]
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
And tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
I know lets go back to the start
Running in circles, chaseing our tails
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
Oh It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
So tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
Oh take me back to the start
Ooooohhhhhhh [x4]
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